Why Your Average Gym Lets You Down

Just how different can a gym be?

Just how different can a gym be?

100% YOU Focused

Top 3 bugbears from commercial gyms:

  • The mirrors

  • the blaring tunes

  • the minimum/vague social interactions

We are very much on the same page, which is why we have created a gym on the foundations of what really matters - you. Don’t get us wrong, we love sharing the jams during our sessions but we don’t drown out conversation. In fact, it’s more important to us that our coaches can deliver and receive clear messaging throughout. This is another reason why we don’t need mirrors in our facility - client-coach trust is something we value greatly amongst our gym and we can ensure your performance is safe and efficient each time you attend.

What Motivates YOU?

Every person’s wants and needs are going to differ and even evolve over time. What motivates you can be the determining factor in your commitments and progression in exercise. This has been a hot topic in sport and exercise research, theorising the lifespan of an individual's autonomy to activity. Self Determination Theory (SDT) suggests people can be intrinsically and extrinsically motivated:

Intrinsic motivation is defined as doing an activity because of its inherent satisfaction. When intrinsically motivated the person experiences feelings of enjoyment, the development of their skills, personal accomplishment, and excitement.

Extrinsic motivation refers to doing an activity for instrumental reasons, or to obtain some outcome separable from the activity. For example, when a person engages in an activity to gain a tangible or social reward or to avoid disapproval, they are extrinsically motivated.

A person may flip flop between the two and may not be entirely devoted to just one motivator; however, the theory and further research suggest that an individual is far more likely to gain long term behaviours that ultimately lead to longer-lasting results if they are self-endorsed. This is because people who participate in exercise for their own personal values, i.e. long term health, acquiring skills, personal development, have a desire to achieve and retain their efforts in pursuit of better life experience and the behaviours are not compelled by external variables.

In other words, find somewhere that makes you feel good, somewhere that is fun and leaves you wanting more. You’ll not have to battle yourself for the motivation to go to a gym, to crash diet, to tune out the world, as your gym should be 100% part of it. Train because you want to, not because you have to.

Piqued your interest?

Join the Training Club - https://www.sweat-it.co/30-day-trial

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