What exercise should I be doing to lose weight?

Contrary to popular belief, high intensity training doesn’t have to be the only method for fat loss. It burns calories in short time zones but is it a sustainable method of training? HIIT training is brilliant to improve cardiovascular fitness and leave you feeling good after a hot and sweaty session but evidence shows that resistance training is a beneficial method of training for multiple health reasons.

We function by three energy systems that the body uses to convert and expend energy via different pathways. Various chemical compounds are broken down in the body to produce energy and keep us moving; ATP, Glycolytic and oxidative. Often if we do not recover sufficiently, the body cannot restore energy leading to illness or injury.

Traditionally, strength training is known for its long rest periods and vein-popping lifts. This generally applies to very few people who are looking for specific goals. Including resistance training in your routine can not only expend energy/calories but it also improves bone density and muscle/connective tissue health. The heavier the weight, the more muscle recruitment is needed. The more the muscles are damaged (as a result of exercise), the more energy is used to repair and replenish. The more muscle mass that you have, the harder the body has to work to deliver the necessary energy & nutrients around the body.


NEAT and LISS are two very important methods of training that we can add to our gym-based training to increase our body composition goals and overall fitness. The bonus about them is that they are super easy to do and hugely effective. We will discuss them further, below.

First up is NEAT. NEAT is an acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis, basically meaning the energy we expend throughout the day not during our allotted gym time. This can be as simple as running the hoover around the house, walking to the shops instead of driving or choosing to take the stairs over the lift. Making a conscious effort to move more over the course of the day adds up those calories burned and little leads to lots and a much better success rate with your goals!

NEAT is similar to LISS but they vary ever so slightly in their definition and what counts as LISS. Although activities such as walking to the shops are deemed NEAT, they also blend into LISS, here’s how. LISS is an acronym for low-intensity steady state, very simple and VERY effective.

All you are looking for with LISS is an activity that you can do at a low intensity for an extended period of time, it will definitely utilise the aerobic system and we want to aim for 30-40 minutes. You could go walking, swimming, rowing on a rower or cycling on a bike. These are a few options.

LISS massively attacks fat so it is a great addition to your current training to help you get where you want to be with your composition goals!


It takes time to see the physical change from exercise (increased muscle mass, fat loss, or a lower resting heart rate). Results will depend on the person and their current level of fitness, as well as the consistency of exercise; generally, people see initial changes within 4 to 6 weeks and actual results within 8 to 12 weeks. The combination of being in a calorie deficit (see nutrition blog for more information), strength training, and cardiovascular training will result in the speediest route to get there.

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