How we’re different from other….

We distance ourselves from being called a gym.

We purposed the SweatIT brand as a training club because we are so far in comparison to what you might have experienced in the past.

“I’ve never enjoyed exercise before”, “I actually look forward to coming to the gym”, and “I didn’t think I’d be able to do what am able to do now” - are regular feedback we get from our fantastic members. And that is exactly why we do what we do. We believe that everyone and anyone should have the opportunity to access fitness and improve their quality of life by increasing flexibility, and overall strength and reducing risk of injury and illness.

We often speak about the common faults of your standard commercial gyms; the downfalls that lead to loss of retention, autonomy and zero results. Recent data discloses that a whopping 4 billion pounds are spent on unused gym memberships. What this really tells us is that people have good intentions but they’ve not had an experience worth sticking with.

So what divides us from the rest?

We recognise the challenges that everyday people tend to face when joining and attending ‘the gym’.

A gym can be an intimidating environment. Feeling unwelcome, out of place or unsure of what you’re trying to achieve is critical influencer of inactive memberships. Beyond the barriers of uncomfortable entry, it is clear that membership dropoff from the January spike is due to a lack of motivation and direction. With no plan, no specificity on your personal goals and very little encouragement & enjoyment - is it any wonder why the success rate is so low?

We care about people, and our main priority is to help everyone achieve a long-term healthy lifestyle. We notice the significant exclusion of people who want to implement change but haven’t found the right method to get there. We have built a product that is for everyone, no matter their exposure to fitness. Beginners feel confident and experienced feel challenged, and here are our 4 main factors of how we are different:

1 Our coaching

Expertly designed programming, delivered by a professional fitness coach. Gain results, develop understanding and feel motivated in your training.

2 Our community

Welcomed into a friendly community who all support, encourage and motivate each other to keep you pushing towards your goals.

3 Support

Continued care and help you wherever you are on your journey to building a better version of yourself.

We often speak about the common faults of your standard commercial gyms; the downfalls that lead to loss of retention, autonomy and zero results. Recent data discloses that a whopping 4 billion pounds are spent on unused gym memberships. What this really tells us is that people have good intentions but they’ve not had an experience worth sticking with.

Join our CLUB with your 30-day trial HERE


