Have you suffered a resolution relapse?

We close the door to January, the start of the year, with every good intention to level up in some state or fashion. Some of us are moving in the right direction and some of us stopped dead in our tracks. If this is you, and you’ve had a resolution relapse… do not worry - we get more chances than just one month. 

If you’ve fallen off the wagon and disregarded your New Year’s goal, we’re here to tell you it’s not too late. In this blog, gain the best tips and tricks to get back on track. 

The first is recognising the ‘I’ll start Monday’ mentality is a signature statement designed to fail, here’s why;

It’s not that important to YOU. 

Delaying the process to make something happen, already gives you a greater opportunity to push back, forget or waste the idea before you even start. 

You’ve not given yourself time or space to process the attainable steps to get things started. 

Does this sound familiar?

We bring you our New Year’s Resolution Success Strategies

For success in a resolution, it’s got to take priority. A task, action or behaviour can only be at the forefront if it sits first, this often means sacrifices must be made; time, money, social decisions - these are not always easy, in fact, they can appear to be selfish, and, get this - they are. You have to be selfish, not all of the time, not with malice or disregard but show yourself some love and respect to follow through with something that you’ve deemed important. 

The idea has to be yours and for the right reasons. There’ll be times when the motivation to stick with it is low and being able to tap into that intrinsic motivation, something that holds no higher value will be what helps you through, not just because someone told you that you should. 

Give the idea respect; nurture its beginnings, and recognise its challenges. Planning it is just as important as living it. Being aware of the barriers, the temptations, and the areas that you need additional support - i.e. time of day/month/situation, is the best preparation and route to success. 

Surround yourself with people who want you to achieve. This sounds cliche but there’s so much truth in this statement. Other people can be instigators when motivation dips and some people can be the entire opposite. If you’re a resolution relapser then you’re well aware of who these people are. This is not to say they are to blame but at this moment, if they’re not on board then you’ve got to cut them loose. 

Is it a lost cause?

Absolutely not. The idea was important to you at some stage, you just didn’t equip yourself with the right tools to help make it happen. 

You don’t need a New Year to try again.

February is not too late. Today is not too soon. 

So even if you feel you’re late to the party and are yet to kickstart your 2023, here are our top tips to making sure you can make your fitness goals happen:

  1. Become Consistent

You’re not expected to turn up every day but you do need to find a realistic frequency, which will allow you to become consistent with that structure. For example, pursuing a fitness goal, organizing a ‘3 times a week’ plan to get to be active is a great starting point. You’re able to get into a good rhythm, learn and adapt with optimal recovery, and provoke some outstanding results. 

2. Find a place where you’re supported

Wherever you choose, you need to know they have your back when times get a little tough. With a goal that is associated with your emotional well-being, it’s imperative that your support system understand its magnitude. When looking for the right facility, you’ll be able to gauge this in a matter of moments. Do they ask questions and show interest in you and what stage you are at in your journey? Are there options for extra guidance and support to keep you focused and attending? You will be amazed at how vital a good support system is to stay focused. Tackling a challenge with like-minded people, experienced professionals and people that care is a recipe for success. 

3. Do your best to turn up whatever the curve ball

It doesn’t always have to be perfect. Remember we want to remain consistent and know that over time this will have a compound effect towards your goals. If every week there’s a day which you just don’t fancy or aren’t running at 100%,  still managing to tick the box will over time create the habit and see you move towards success. You will never regret it once you’ve completed it, so just getting yourself there and starting will always lead to a sense of achievement.

4. Build Strength

This doesn’t mean that everyone should be trying to become World's Strongest Man but you should be striving to become stronger. Retaining muscle mass and possibly gaining some as well. But there are many ways in which this can be done i.e. learning new movements, increasing range of motion, core stamina and stability, and of course moving more weight. It’s also incredibly rewarding and empowering to learn new tricks and increase strength.

5. Ask questions

If you don’t know something then ask. Your coaches, your personal trainers, and your fitness instructors are there to help, so however silly it may seem or sound, just ask the question. Understanding whys and hows build confidence in the environment and encourage trust in relationships. 

Would you like some further help with getting started this year? You could be assisted by the TEAM at SweatIT and see results in just 30 days. This is the perfect opportunity to build a concrete foundation for making lifelong changes and moving a step closer towards your goals.

Reach out today and we’ll be in touch to discuss a plan of action.


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