Ready, Set, Slow - SweatIT Guide to Optimise Your Health

Modern-day living is driven by coffee, calls and putting in the grind from dawn til dusk, and for many into the night. The pressure of life means we can't take our foot off the gas to get results, and we expect to see constant improvements ... fast.

We cram in all the tasks and hobbies we need to in order to fulfil our "health quota" - and that health quota is the accumulation of our social, mental & physical aspects that we use to quantify a wholesome life. Being better in our jobs, more money, promotions, a bigger house, hot physique, great holidays - we have all opted for at least one of these ideal lifestyle factors; and we have probably got so caught up in the tunnel vision of getting there that we have lost sight of significant moments along the way.

If the last two years have taught us anything, it is to invest time into what really matters - our health and happiness. Of course, certain factors make it easier or harder to accomplish this, but more often than not, we are able to adapt and make changes to prioritise a long term healthy lifestyle.

Let’s go back to our health quota; we all want to live a happy & healthy life, however, we can often overlook the actions to facilitate it.

And to help here are our top 3 actions for heading into 2022:

Action One - Be Kind To Yourself

Yes, it’s January, the start of a new year and time of reflection but it shouldn’t impose any additional pressure to achieve ALL of your goals right now. If anything it’s the perfect time to stay consistent. Carryover those good habits from last year and identify future aspirations.

  • Don’t beat yourself up for an indulgent Christmas

  • Don’t start setting yourself dozens of unrealistic expectations

  • Don’t compare yourself to others

  • Don’t feel guilty for the things you haven’t done

Action Two - Slow Down

December is a whirlwind and January comes around quick. After New Year’s antics, before we know it, we are in the middle of the month and we’ve ignored our good intentions of ‘getting back on track'. We should never feel like it is too late or that we have failed. Reflection, in any form, is a powerful tool. We can acknowledge where we are at now and where we want to be. This puts us in the best position to implement change.

Action Three - Take Small Steps

It is not in our nature to multitask, especially when the tasks are out of our norm. It takes time to incorporate a new structure and ultimately reinforce new habits. It is so easy to get to January and tell yourself all of these life changes you’re going to make but trying them all at once is unfortunately not the set-up for success. Limit stress by focusing on one thing at a time.

How Can We Help?

Many people fall into the category of thinking 'the gym is not for them', in fact, lots of our community started with this opinion. They've 'never been any good at exercise' or 'not been able to see any lasting results' due to inconsistencies.

This simply isn't true. You just haven't found a method that suits you. We do things differently because we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to improve their quality of life.

Improved Mood - Mental Health - Confidence - Sense of Belonging - Identity - Achievement

Learn & Execute

How many times have you walked into a gym and jumped on the treadmill for a half-hour, wandered around aimlessly, pulling a few handles on a machine and leaving completely dissatisfied? You're not alone.

We operate with mostly free weights and a range of cardio equipment to work functional movement patterns that are all professionally coached. You'll witness quicker progression and results as you carry over the movement skills into your everyday living.

Injury PREhab

As much as we can help with injuries, we would much rather act as a preventative measure than a cure. We do this by delivering a bespoke training dose and providing you with all the tools to move with quality and efficiency.


With a busy schedule, it can be hard to motivate yourself to even get to a gym, let alone come up with an exercise plan or even consistently follow one. You might choose the 'easy' option and skip the not-so-sexy moves to get out the door quicker.

Our sessions are time-efficient and they always incorporate all-body movements so you'll never skip leg day! The coaches are there to guide you and keep you honest during your session to help you reach your full potential.

What Do I Need To Join?

To become a member of our training club, we don't ask for any existing fitness prerequisites as we tailor all of our sessions to each individual. Complete beginners get a comprehensive introduction to participating fundamental movements relative to improving strength, stability, mobility, and endurance.

Take control of your long-term health and happiness.

Invest in your future.

Now’s the time to make a change.

We are always here to help you!

Sign up to our 30-day-trial today.


Recovery basics for free


8 things you could do when qualified.